A new cover (a watercolour by me) deserves a new trailer. Hound Trailer 2025
Author: mikerimar

My Scrooge story, Carol of the Hells, is now out in the latest On Spec Magazine. It’s sure to be a Christmas Classic.

An Artist by Any Other Name
I miss the old days when Van Gogh was pronounced Van Gogh and not the proper way of Van Gogh. You can do so many puns with Van Gogh, but Van Gogh, well, it’s limiting. The purists are to blame. “It’s Van Gogh not Van Gogh,” they say in that haughty know-it-all attitude that brings…

WOW! Hound of the Arcanum has climbed to #32 on the Amazon Hot releases for Alternative History! CLIMBED!! Reminds me of my favorite line from Airport ’75 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaddVUt79PM…. Get Hound of the Arcanum available at Amazon, Kobo, and Draft2Digital (Smashwords).

Hound of the Arcanum book trailer
Available at Amazon Kobo Smashwords

Another Shameless Plug
My story, Dead Man’s Hand, published in the Game On! anthology is available for an Aurora nomination in the Best Short Story category. This past year I’ve broken my back, nearly all my ribs on the right side, and my clavicle. Healthwise I’m doing fine, but since I’ve lost all semblance of pride years ago,…
Story Sale!
Contract signed so I can say I sold my story, Carol of the Hells to On Spec Magazine for a future issue.

We interrupt your scrolling with this important announcement. It’s Prix Aurora Awards season in Canada. If you’re so inclined please go to https://www.csffa.ca/ and nominate my story, Dead Man’s Hand in the Best Short Story category. And while you’re at it, nominate Game On! for Best Related Work. We now return you to your regularly…

My last month in a nutshell…
So, Tuesday, Jan 23 I had a serious workplace accident. I fell off the back of a trailer loading ramp about 5 ft. Fractured 2 vertebrae which required emergency surgery, broke so many ribs on my right side the surgeon just calls them multiple ribs, fractured my clavicle, damaged lungs, and let’s see… oh, broke…

An early attempt at water colour
To beat this AI thing I’m working on my own book covers in water colour. Still practising, but I kind of like the way this one turned out despite the small hair in the bottom corner screwing it up.